Temptation strikes

Temptation strikes and we’re left with a choice.  In our Lent Project reading today we encounterJesus in the wilderness being tempted.  While we may not be tempted in the wild by the devil, we do face temptation on a daily basis. Temptation strikes and there’s a choice to be made.

Temptation strikes.  Do we eat a piece of Cherry Pie an hour before dinner?
Temptation strikes.  Do we sit down and write a blog or watch Community?

Many things have the potential to distract. Many things have the potential to lure away. From the iPad to authority, from pie to possession; in everything we are given a choice. What choice should we make? The one Jesus made, to live every moment knowing God.

When faced with temptation he remembered God. When faced with temptation he remembered he served God. When faced with temptation he chose to move with God, to move towards God. Each time we are faced with temptation we must remember we are given a choice.  We can choose to move with God or against God. When temptation strikes what will we do?  We choose God. We choose good.  And if we mess up, we make the choice to correct it.

Temptation strikes and we’re left with a choice.  Today I’m choosing God.  I’m choosing to walk towards him.  How about you?