The Lord’s Prayer

For the Lent Project today we were supposed to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Personally I find this a great technique when I’m distracted like I am on days like today.  Right now, I’m pooped. It’s Sunday and that means I’m essentially a zombie. I walk around grunting and nosing about for food. I steer clear of brains and go straight for the dessert I’ve got tucked away in the fridge for my Sunday afternoon snack.

The Lord’s Prayer gives us an outline, a guide on what to pray for.  It’s for those days when we are lost or confused, for those times when we think we might be praying more for what we want than what God wants. This prayer is a beginning.  A place to start and we all need somewhere to start, right? If I were to pray the Lord’s prayer it might go a little something like this…

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name.

You are so great God.  When I think of everything you do and are I am amazed and astounded. Thanks for being part of my life and investing in this world.

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord on the one hand I’d love for your kingdom to come, for there to be peace and justice but on the other I’m scared of what that means.  I want to follow you, to do what you want me to do and go where you want me to go.  That’s scary and big and not always clear.  Nudge me and if that fails push me onto right paths so I can be where you want me to be.  Help me to share your light with those around me. Also I really need some help with surrender but I suspect you know that. 

Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we have also forgiven our debtors.

I have too much bread Lord and I haven’t been sharing my blessings as I should. Help me to give more to my community. Help me to share with others the blessings and gifts I have been given. Also if you could, cultivate within me a forgiving spirit.  You have forgiven me so I should extend that grace to others and somedays I find that harder than others.

And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from the evil one.

There are things in life that are so tempting.  It’s easy for me to desire more, to wish things were different and wonder about the choices I’ve made. Help me to see that the path that I am on is the right one, if it is not please correct me. Deliver me from evil in this world and keep those things that would distract and draw away far from my presence so I may stand firm in faith and love for you. Amen.

If I’ve gotten off track, I find this is a great way to re-focus and be present in prayer. I usually throw some prayers for people I know and some extra thanksgiving for good measure. On days like today it really helps.

I’d love to know what you’re thinking.  How do you pray and stay focused?  Did you pray the Lord’s Prayer today and find it impacted your prayer life?