On Submission

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God

It began overseas, during a night I spent in a small pension, with a conversion experience that started with my repentance for a lifestyle that was falling short of God’s expectations. It was a heartfelt apology to God for my transgressions. I was not looking for God, Jesus or salvation and had no idea at the time what was happening to me; except I knew I needed to repent.

The next three days and three nights were a series of small events guided by God (as I later came to understand) and do not need to be recounted here. On the third night, I was in a room in my hotel where my submission to Him occurred. I felt a complete heaviness in my body making it impossible for me to get up, move a muscle or even utter a sound.

Inexplicably, I gave up the struggle and submitted my will to whatever or whoever was the cause of my inability to move. It was over. I was willing to accept whatever should befall me. Immediately, a peace came over me and a vision of Jesus on the cross appeared in my mind’s eye. This vision and feeling lasted several minutes and with my fear gone I fell asleep. In what seemed to be the blink of an eye, I awoke to a new day, able to move and speak normally. It was now glorious sunshine outside in contrast to the dark night sky when I fell asleep. I was surprised and relieved and noticed the peace that I felt from the night before was still with me.

Submission can instill a feeling of vulnerability because one’s will is being forfeited. Some are fearful because they think God will immediately send them to the far corners of the earth to be missionaries. They fear they could not adjust to such circumstances and change of lifestyle. God may very well ask that; but He also said that He would give us what we need to live our lives if only we trust Him. He may also lead us to continue living with only moderate changes or even remain in our present circumstances. In any case it will always be with a new attitude and with Him sharing our burdens and leading the way.

In reality we never submit totally because humans have a sinful nature which cannot be removed until we are united with Jesus when he returns for his church. If we could submit completely we would be without sin and would never die (as was intended in the Garden of Eden). God is not going to ask more of us than we can bear. He knows what we need and has a plan for us which both pleases Him and us supremely. His agenda is always the best for us and we should not be fearful of it.

About William Craig

William Craig lives in Ottawa.