Fast Foods

Along with clothes washers and dish washers I’ve always felt the greatest modern invention was instant puddings.  Instant pudding laid the cornerstone for all the fast foods that have followed.

And fast food has its place.  My nephew just phoned with the invitation for a hamburger and fries meal.  I supply the venue (my kitchen) and he brings the food.  We both have a visit and neither one of us has to cook.  Fabulous!

A recent sermon about Jesus feeding the 5,000 gave me a new slant on “fast foods”.   Who would have thought that five loaves and two fishes would be sufficient to feed 5,000?

I doubt if the person who prepared the loaves and fishes would have believed what would happen once Jesus got a hold of them.

Maybe we need to have more faith about the particular roles God has placed on us. My bible study group comes for “coffee and conversation” during the summer.  This week I got the coffee going and pulled out last week’s muffins (They were in the freezer) and set out the deck chairs on the deck.  It was a beautiful Alberta morning…blue skies, light breeze and air so clean you could sink into it.     It was just an ordinary day, with ordinary coffee and conversation.

The ladies chattered, laughed, drank my coffee and ate up the muffins.  At 11:45 am they left and I cleaned up.

A short while later one of them phoned and thanked me for the get together.  She had been pondering some big decisions and was depressed.  She said the laugher, fun and coffee had very much brightened her day.

Such a simple thing, coffee, fellowship and God in our midst.

We never know how He will use us and even the ordinary can be changed into the extra-ordinary by the Lord.