Gifts for God’s Glory

In a TV program recently, a young man confessed that he had always had the urge to scribble on any surface he could find.  This eventually led him into graffiti on walls and buildings.  He was caught and ended up doing community service to atone for it.

The interesting conclusion to it all was that he really did have a creative gift and eventually was asked to create a feature wall at the same school he had once covered with graffiti.

I guess I really should save those wild crayon drawings my great-grandson presents to me…a hidden Rembrandt? Who knows?

I still vividly recall the moment I realized that words put together, told stories. I was in grade two.  Who knew so many years later I’d be sitting at the computer writing, writing, writing.

Possibilities lie in each one of us.  They are put there by God to enhance His world.   Many of those possibilities are passed by…drowned in neglect and indifference.  Teachers have a tremendous responsibility in recognizing and encouraging those possibilities.  Many times there are just a pain in the neck to others…a kid doodling on everything, a small girl who lived with her nose in a book (and has arthritis in her neck to pay for it), or a fun-loving , little boy who charmed everyone and was full of laughter and nonsense  and who became an excellent salesman and businessman.  Our gifts are not always understood by others, especially when we are young.

I find that as I grow older, my tolerance level has gone up considerably. Oh yes, I am still impatient but not nearly as judgmental, except perhaps with my own stupidity.

We are often so critical when we don’t understand things.  God knows the hidden talents reposing in even little boys who “scribble” on everything. If we give Him a chance by seeking and accepting the gifts in each one of us, what a wonderful world it could be.