In His Arms

I was watching the weather network last night on TV.  I always check the Winnipeg weather as my granddaughter lives there.

They had had an electrical storm.  I rather like electrical storms and even when living in Orillia, Ontario, which had powerful electrical storms every summer, I never once was frightened.   I remember watching lightening running down the electrical wires across the street. Pretty scary but we all had lightening rods on our houses and felt quite safe.  All those memories took place a long time ago but I doubt if the climate has changed that much and folks are still experiencing wild electrical storms.

My fascination and love of storms originated when I was very young.  At the front of our house was a big deck that overlooked the Flats and the Fraser River.  One night I felt my father lift me up in his arms and carry me out to that deck.

“Look sweetheart”, he said.  And I watched as the sky was filled with light and sound.  It was awesome!  But how could I worry or fret.  I was safe in my father’s arms.

I find I am reminding myself of that incident, over and over again as I get overwhelmed by events so much bigger than I am…family problems, friend problems and even faith problems.  There is a lot of praying going on in my house.

Then I recall the strength of my earthly father’s arms and remind myself that my heavenly Father can handle everything I bring to Him and I am reassured.

It is a lesson in trust…trust, in my heavenly Father whose loving arms are strong enough to hold back anything that might threaten or alarm me.  What a wonderful “Abba” He is.