The month in which I barely blogged

I have neglected my blog terribly this month.  I’ve published 5 times!  It’s been a tough month in these parts and ministry took over my life.  It’s as it should be I suppose but I do need to write, I love to do it.  Somehow this month the universe forgot I’m supposed to be a supply preacher and I worked almost as much as if I was fully employed.  I need some serious scheduling assistance and have decided I have to dedicate time for writing.  My balance is not right and that needs to be corrected.

Balance is important, especially in Holy Week.  I’ve been struggling to find time to really sink into the texts myself and step away from the constant need to improve and play with my services.  I need to find moments of reflection and take time to hear what is happening.  As we gather at the table, as we listen for the hammer of nails, as we rejoice at the tomb I want to be there, present not distracted by details and really remember the story.   Life has been so busy I feel as thought I’m running through things, missing details and that has to stop.  I am going to grab a cup of tea and sit for a while, reflecting on moments and pieces of the story I’ve been too busy to see.  I’ve neglected my blog and myself terribly this month.  Here’s to April having a different outcome.