An oven baked loaf, Paul Newman and Jesus

I’ve spoken before about ‘Wonder Bread’ Jesus and my wish that churches would move to a heartier selection.  I’m not altogether certain if I’ve mentioned my loathing of communion wine though.  Having travelled a lot in the last 3 years to give communion to various congregations I can say that generally speaking I’m not a fan of the wine selections at most churches.  I blame this on my parents who taught wine appreciation to us kids when we turned 19.  This week when I was given the freedom to select the elements of my choosing for Maundy Thursday I was ecstatic.  Enter a hearty hearth baked loaf and Paul Newman’s grape juice.  Tonight Jesus will have substance.  The bread will be firm and moist and chewy.  The juice will be full and rich in your mouth.  Tonight when we dine together at the table of Christ we will not hate the elements but instead enjoy the experience.

I think enjoying the experience is so important.  To truly sink in and celebrate the occasion means we must enjoy it with all our senses.  The words we hear, the things we see and the people we are with are all important in their own way. I hope you enjoy your experience tonight.  Tonight we begin to understand where things are going.  Tonight we start to see how far God was willing to go to be close with us once more.

May your night be blessed and your weekend full and rich with God’s presence.  May you find Christ at the table, wander with him in the garden and meet him on the cross. In doing so we find ourselves better equipped to understand the empty tomb, to truly appreciate what it means.

Blessings and peace as you set forth on your own Easter journey.