Easter Sunday – Christ is Risen!

Easter Pysanka 002Prayer:  Majestic God,  out of the darkness of Good Friday comes the Light of Christ bringing the gift of new life.  Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!  Alleluia!  Christ is Risen from the Dead!  Alleluia!  Christ has triumphed over death.   Alleluia!  Christ is Risen Indeed!  Hallelujah!


Read St. John 20: 1 – 23



As you read this portion of scripture,  pause after each sentence.  Read this Gospel passage slowly!

 Read and remember what Mary did,   what the disciples did,  and what happened on the evening of the first day.  The first day we now call Easter.  Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen Indeed!

Jean Vanier in his book “Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus”  Novalis,  2001 says that Jesus “the one who was rejected, who was put to death, has risen up in love.  And the disciples rise up from despair to hope.  Not to reveal power but to reveal the compassionate and liberating love of God”  pg 333


Easter is the Glorious Resurrection.   We celebrate this day with great joy and great love knowing that our Saviour is alive.  Alleluia!


Prayer:  Creator God,  out of the silence Creation comes again. We have seen the Risen Lord!  You call and from the chaos comes Your Son—the Risen Lord – the Resurrection.  The Son appears bringing the gifts of Bread and Wine so that we remember we are made whole in You.  The Risen Lord’s broken body is made whole and victory over death is won.  Alleluia!