Wednesday – returning to God

Prayer:    Grant, O Lord,  that we return to Your love.  Help us,  O Lord to return to Your peace.   Sustain us,  O Lord, that we may always be bearers of Your love.  This we ask in Your Name.  Amen.


Read  St. Luke 11: 47 – 51


These are a couple of tough verses to dig.   Jesus is telling the experts of the law and the Pharisees that their fathers  killed the prophets as they did not want to hear the Word of God.    Jesus continues to say that the experts of the law and the Pharisees built tombs for the very prophets that their fore-fathers killed.    The Experts and the Pharisees “honour” the prophets but would never want to hear their words—nor admit that the words of the prophets apply to them.


Remember that a prophet is one sent by God to turn people around so that they repent and come home to God.    No one wants to hear the words of a prophet as the words mean we aren’t living according to the love of God.


Are there prophets today?     A prophet reminds the people to turn around and live in the love of God.   While we don’t have prophets today as John the Baptist was the last prophet as God sent Jesus to forgive us our sins,  there are people who remind us to return to God or lighten the path to God.      In your community can you think of any people who remind us to return to God?    In the world can you think of any people who remind us to return to God?


During Lent in Brandon MB,  the Brandon Ministerial has an ecumenical Lenten Worship and Lunch.   The Lenten Worship is held at St. Matthew’s  Anglican Church and the Sermons are preached  by various Ministers from Brandon.  It is delightful to come together with so many people from various denominations.   Not only is it awesome to worship together in so many worship styles but it also formulates what we believe.    It is a delight to hear preachers preaching from their own traditions and know that we all share the same Good News.   


Prayer:   Return O Lord,  and deliver our souls.  Save us for the sake of Your love.  Amen.