A Rough Week For The World

Normally, after a week that has had so much “news” – everything from an ice storm to bombs going off – I would write to reflect on where God is in the midst of all this.  And I could still do so, but there is someone who already has done so, and with eloquence.  If you are not familiar with Ann Voskamp, and her book, One Thousand Gifts, you will be after you read this post that she wrote yesterday.

Her words capture what we need to know in these challenging days.  May they be a blessing to you.  And don’t hesitate to click the links in the text of her meditation.  They will enlighten you with some details of what has been going on in our world.  Please read Ann’s post.

Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16.33b, NLT).

Dr. Jeff Loach is Pastor of St. Paul’s Church, Nobleton, ON.  He blogs at http://www.passionatelyhis.com/.