My Keurig and I have an understanding.

My Keurig and I have an understanding. It will work for me provided I put a little effort in. I need to buy the coffee and fill the reservoir. The last part is what gets me every time. More mornings than I might care to admit have involved me waiting for my coffee to brew only to find that it will not come until I put some water in. The flashing blue light is a glaring indicator of my failure at maintaining my end of the bargain. It’s easy to overlook the part where you fill it at the end of a day. When I have my last cup I simply turn the machine off and think I’ll fill it later. The trouble is I almost never do this. I forget and then the next morning you can find me clumsily trying to fill the machine so it will give me the coffee I desire. The process is unnecessary. If I just put a little work in when I didn’t immediately need coffee the machine would be ready to go when I do need it.

This morning as I was fumbling once again in my attempt to get coffee I realized that this struggle is kind of like the one many of us have in our relationship with God. It’s easy to neglect God and spiritual discipline when things are going well. We don’t roll out of bed early to get the day started with God because we think we can do it later. When we do this and it becomes a habit, those days God is needed are tough. We struggle to connect with God and reach for him clumsily because we didn’t maintain the connection, we didn’t do the work when things were going well. We need to remember that our spiritual reservoir must be filled like the one found on the coffee machine. We need to continue to fill that reservoir daily so when strength is needed, it’s easier to access.