Pigeon Alert

Parking at our hospital is at a premium and many of us make arrangements to be dropped off and picked up, rather than go through the process of trying to find a parking place.

I knew I had a half hour to wait for my ride, so sat with a magazine at the front windows and glanced out every once in a while.

The canopy over the entrance houses a good many visitors we could do without and bird droppings and twigs are often on the front entry.  The hospital tries to discourage the pigeons but they are persistent regardless of a ceramic owl that turns its head, giving the illusion of being real.

The birds have gotten used to the thing and its threat never materializes into anything so they just ignore it.

I wonder if there isn’t a message there for all of us.  Parents, telling their kids to do this or that or else and never following through with the “or else” is an example, and many of us adults ignoring symptoms of health, assuring ourselves that “it will just go away”, only to find it won’t.

I rather like pigeons and actually found it amusing to see them sit right beside the owl without a twinge of a feather.  Maybe they are wiser than I want to acknowledge because they at least can recognize “real” danger and disregard those things that really won’t harm them. Nowadays we are inundated with “danger” on TV and radio…no wonder we have become a bit blasé about it.

I recall the first time my husband saw a bikini.  Luckily his heart was in good condition in those days.  By the time he was 70, he had seen so many half clad bodies on TV that they didn’t have near the effect.  We can become immune to things.

Maybe that’s why the Lord entreats us to be discerning in life.  It’s so much easier to just go with the flow, forgetting to be aware of temptation but also forgetting to be aware of blessings.  We are an apathetic crowd.

I asked my Bible Study group, what they would do if they had 24 hours to live.  It created quite a discussion.  Perhaps we all need to get a bit more enthusiastic about life as, perhaps we have been running neither hot nor cold about most things.  We need to put down the remote, turn off the TV and get out of our armchairs and live a little.


By NVO (Own work by uploader) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons