Torquing the Tires

Widowhood has sure brought a lot of new things into my life.  Responsibilities I never knew existed are now on my “to-do” list.

The house I can pretty well handle.  Luckily my son-in-law has lots of “fix-it” skills and he is tall and can handle those hard to reach areas.  I used to reach them but find standing on ladders is a little more precarious nowadays.

But the car is another cup of tea.  Like a child its needs are endless.  I have to feed it, clean it and change it.  Recently I needed new tires.  In the north, winter tires are a boon for those who want care-free winter driving and those were purchased a few years ago…now the summer tires had to be replaced.

I did the usual phone around to dealers.  I got advice from three of the church men who happened to be sitting just inside the church hallway, visiting last Sunday, I spoke to my son-in-law and I did comparison lists, and then after my blood pressure was up and I had the usual nervous twitches in my eye, I headed out to my first choice.  In less than an hour the tires were on, my bank balance had been somewhat diminished and my blood pressure had settled down.  I really miss my husband at times like these.

When I left the garage, I was handed a small notice about returning to torque the tires after 20 kilometers.  I had an idea what it meant so returned a week later and in a few minutes the tires were torqued and the car declared ready to go. It was another chapter in this walk down widowhood.

I thought about how many times I had had to deal with new things these past few years.  Everyone a challenge and everyone a learning experience.

But in all of them God had not forsaken me.  Yes, those things I thought were my foundation, truly were….family, friends, faith, etc.  But some of them just needed a little bit of torquing…a retightening and appreciation of what they had been for me and what they always would be.

Sometimes it takes but a hug, a smile or a shared cup of coffee, to torque some ones down day…I have been a recipient of all those things and I count them all as God’s blessings.