Be Aware

Re Pastor Speaks at Mosque, Community News, April
Presbyterians should be aware that the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Trinity, the Deity of Christ and that Christ is the Son of God, are all denied by Islamic teachings.
Check it out, friends.

Rev. Dr. Harris Athanasiadis responds:
My fellowship with people of the Muslim faith at the Noor is making me a better Christian. I think anyone who cannot understand that is missing something essential in Jesus’ message. And I do believe with all my heart that the creator God embodied in Jesus Christ and living within and around us as Holy Spirit is working in ways well beyond our professions of faith. God will not be chained by our beliefs. We are growing in our understanding of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit all the time. At least we should be. Who says our understanding cannot grow through our interaction with awesome human beings who are professing Muslims? Mine is.

About Thomas E. Jowett, Pickering, Ont.