Life and Mission Agency’s Response from 2000


The Life and Mission Agency Committee considered the report on Denominational Decline at its March meeting and again at a conference call meeting in April. The April meeting also had before it the Year 2000 Demographic Study of The Presbyterian Church in Canada which is now part of this supplementary report.

The committee is appreciative of the work done by the task force and the direction it is proposing that we take in response. The committee is also aware that the report is a significant part of a larger whole. The theme of the report recognizes the holistic or systemic issues involved in congregational recovery and health. These are issues that need to be addressed not just in the area of Evangelism and Church Growth and Worship but by the whole Church and by all departments of the Life and Mission Agency. For example, the report touches on some of the same areas of concern that are being addressed by the Called to Covenant project. It is also reflected in the proposed changes in the grant structure of Canada Ministries as well as other areas that involve the executive staff of the Agency.

The first response was to immediately leap into the breach and try to “fix the problem” but the reality is that it would be premature at this juncture to take precipitous action without first looking at the whole picture. The report focuses on the necessity of moving to a missional mode of operation. This is a fundamental shift in thinking that can lead to organizational changes in practice. The Life and Mission Agency recognizes the need to shift to a more missional mode of operation while keeping the maintenance components required to keep the focus on mission. If this is the direction that is endorsed for the Church it is imperative that the Agency and staff model this behaviour and seek faithfully to live it out.

The staff will continue to work toward a response to this challenge and will share with the committee action plans for endorsement.

Recommendation No. 27 (adopted)

That the report be produced in a format to be used by congregations.

Recommendation No. 28 (adopted)

That the Life and Mission Agency Committee present a detailed and systemic response with an action plan, which will embrace the vision of this report to the 128th General Assembly. 

Recommendation No. 29 (adopted)

That the Task Force be thanked for its work. 

Recommendation No. 30 (adopted)

That a demographic study of The Presbyterian Church in Canada be conducted in 2005-2006 for presentation to the 132nd General Assembly.