Continuing the Conversation

George Santayana (1863–1952), Spanish-born American author, philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist most notably stated, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” (The Life of Reason). He succinctly captured the idea that studying history is necessary to avoid repeating past mistakes.

The Life and Mission Agency is well aware of the numerous studies, think tanks and committee reports that have been produced over the years. Across the church, many of these have been derisively spoken of and dismissed with side comments such as “collecting dust on the bookshelf,” “filed,” “have never seen the light of day,” etc. The LMA Committee did not wish to add to this list. There was, however, a strong desire to pull together material for easy reference and produce a working document to aid the committee in decision making.

The LMA Committee, today composed of 20 members drawn from across the country, appreciates the many good women and men who have faithfully served on committees, worked in offices, and convened excellent church-wide gatherings where prayerful thought was brought to bear on the state of the church in their time. Solid, creative and visionary ideas were presented in each generation. Many recommendations were implemented.

Today’s pace of life has accelerated the church’s anxiety about the future. Institutional change is
sweeping throughout western civilization. Religious institutions are not immune. The PCC is not unique in its present circumstance and analysis of the future.

The LMA drew upon Gordon Haynes’ considerable experience from his years of parish ministry and his time criss-crossing this country as associate secretary for Canada Ministries. We believed we could quickly have in hand a document that would summarize, inform, educate and challenge us with the realities that are confronting all levels of our national church. The report is a tool for the LMA to draw upon as we continually seek to faithfully live out our 1992 General Assembly mandate. That document challenges us to be flexible, creative and adaptive. As visionary church leaders, we are to facilitate what can be done at other levels of the church, work ecumenically and ensure national programs are effective.

The LMA appreciates the work that Gordon Haynes and his advisory committee put into this report. It was not designed to prop up anything on the bookshelf. It was always seen to be a tool for stimulating discussion and debate. I hope this conversation continues. It was seen to be a resource to encourage reflection rather than a list of items that had deadlines to be implemented. I appreciate the challenges presented and welcome all helpful, constructive input that it engenders.

History is appreciated by Presbyterians. We contribute to, and we learn from history. We are also called by our faithful and loving God to create our history by looking ahead. I am thankful that there are many church members who are engaged in the process of creatively imagining our future. It is an exciting and vital time for the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

About Rick Fee

Rev. Dr. Rick Fee is general secretary of the Life and Mission Agency.