Monday – prayer — being right with God

Prayer:    God,  have mercy upon me,  a sinner.  Amen.


Read  St. Luke 18:  9 – 14


Jesus continues to tell the disciples the second parable of prayer.    A Pharisee and a Tax Collector   go to the Temple to pray.    The Pharisee stands up and in a loud voice so everyone can hear,   prays about himself.    The Tax Collector stands at a distance with his head bowed and quietly mumbles so that only God can hear, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner”.    (St Luke 18: 12) 


Jesus tells the disciples that the Tax Collector prayed a true prayer that reflected his soul.  The Tax Collector went home  made right with God.    The Pharisee prayed a prayer not to God but announcing all he had done to those who were around him listening to his words.   This man went home not in union with God.  


Today,  how will we be right with God?   How will we pray today?


Prayer:  Great God,  we come before You today with our hearts open to Your love and Your peace.  We ask that You forgive our sins……..  and make us whole.  Lord have mercy.  We give to You all our decisions to be made today…….   Lord have mercy.   We give to You today all our thoughts so that our thoughts can be a reflection of You.   Lord have mercy.    God,  give mercy and forgive me,  a sinner for in Your love I am made whole.      Amen.