
Prayer:  Omnipotent God,  You know all things and are eternal.   You know us better than we know ourselves.    May we always rejoice in Your plans and love.  Amen.


Question #7 of the Westminster Shorter Catachism

Question:  What are the decrees of God?

Answer:  The decrees of God are, His eternal purpose, according to the counsel of His will,  whereby, for His own glory, He has  foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.


Psalm 119: 12

Psalm 33: 11

Isaiah 14: 24

Ephesians 1: 11 – 12


Decrees.   Rules.  Regulations.    Because I said so.     As leaders or teachers or parents,   we explain the rules…. we provide boundaries…. we say there are consequences to our actions.    Yet frequently,  we blow it.     We disregard the rules and then we kick ourselves because we knew better!


In this question,   the decrees of God are more than rules and regulations and “because I said so”’s.   The decrees of God are God’s plan for all of creation.  Eternal plans.    God knows us better than we know ourselves.  God already knows what our potential is better than we know ourselves.     Hallelujah!


Prayer:  Eternal God,  You are sovereign over all things and all events and all plans.  In Your love and mercy,  we are part of Your plan.  For this we give You our thanks.  Amen.