Sunday – Father’s day

Prayer:  Prepare our hearts for worship this day O LORD.   Prepare our minds for worship this day O LORD.    May the Words of those who preach today be acceptable in Your sight.  We rejoice that we can worship You today with all Your peoples.   Holy God,  Holy Mighty,  Holy Immortal One  grant us peace in believing and joy in sharing Your Word with the world.  Be with new fathers this day as we celebrate Father’s Day.   May You guide them in nurturing their children.  May You guide new fathers with Your wisdom and Your love.   For our own fathers,   we give You O LORD,  our thanks and praise.  For it is from the creation of our fathers  that You have made us who we are.   Holy God,  Holy Mighty,  Holy Immortal One grant us Your love.   This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.