Wednesday – what gifts has God given to you?

Prayer:   Help us O God to live in Your way and to listen in the quiet for Your voice.   Amen.


Read St. Luke 19: 16 – 27


The Parable of the Ruler continues with a discussion of which servant made the gift of money work for his master…. And which servant kept the gift of money hidden and did nothing.


God has given each of us gifts.    What gifts has God given to you?    Do you use the gifts God has given to you to bring the love of Christ into the community?  Or do you keep the gifts God has given to you hidden away?


The amazing thing is the gifts God has given to each of us always lead to action.  For instance,  if we have the gift of hospitality,  we help feed others or greet others so they feel welcomed.   In First Presbyterian Church Winnipeg,  there is a gentleman by the name of Tom Denton.    Tom has volunteered for years welcoming new immigrants to Canada.   What a gift for the community!    Knox Presbyterian Church Winnipegosis does not have a minister but they have opened up a suite in the Church for ministers and families to come for a rest and preach on a Sunday.  What a gift for the community and for ministry families who find trying to find the finances for a holiday prohibitive!   


Prayer:  For all the gifts that You have given to us O LORD,  may we be truly thankful.    Inspire us today to use these gifts so that our communities may be made whole in Your love.  Amen.