On Being Single

My heart goes out to Cheryl Bradbee. At times I feel very lonely in the middle of a crowd because I am not currently part of a couple or involved in bringing up a family. And at the times when I feel most lonely, it seems that everywhere I turn the world is paired off. However, my experience at church with my congregational family has been a very positive one and a source of support, comfort and empowerment. Yes, our church is extremely family-oriented and there are very few of us who are single in our 50s, yet we are never excluded or intentionally made to feel less than. On the contrary, we are encouraged to share our unique gifts and appreciated for who we are as individuals and what we bring to the table. We are always included and as we gather as a community we do so as individuals, some who are in relationships and some who are not, but the focus is on celebrating each of us as a unique child of God. I started attending our church a little over five years ago and became an official member in the fall of 2009—honestly, one of the best decisions I have ever made!