Brookfield Pastoral Charge, P.E.I.

The Brookfield Pastoral Charge in Prince Edward Island declared Sunday, April 7th to be Holy Humour Sunday! People were invited to come join in celebrating the greatest practical joke God played on Satan—raising Jesus from the dead. The two morning worship services included clown ministry skits, puppet skits, and fun music. Those who took part in the service include members of their Word In Motion group: George the puppet and puppeteer, Clark MacIntyre (not pictured); Starlight [a.k.a. Nancy Clow]; Daisy [a.k.a. Kelsie MacIntyre]; OTTO Car [a.k.a. Norbert Wuertz]; Rev. Beth Mattinson; Meon Stage (kneeling) [a.k.a. Lucia Wuertz]; Patches [a.k.a. Philip Weatherbee]; Willie B. Good [a.k.a. Larry Mattinson; Steve the puppet and puppeteer Jason Wuertz. Missing from the photo: Christine Wuertz, puppeteer and narrator; as well as Joy MacIntyre, organist.