Words, Words, I’m so Sick of Words

I have a habit of turning on the radio in the morning and catching a few more minutes of sleep before starting the day.

This morning I somehow got involved in the narrator of a particular subject and I was arguing with him.  I woke up saying to him “well, you certainly like to talk but you’re not much of a listener.”

When I realized that I was arguing with the radio, I had a good laugh.

I’m afraid I have often fallen into the same habit myself.

Friday’s bible study was from 1 Corinthians 13:5…”love is not rude”.  When I went around the room asking the ladies if they wanted to confess to that particular sin at times they were a tiny bit reticent.  (They don’t like sitting in the chair on my left as they know I usually hit on that person first. A very brave lady occupies it usually…at that matter, like good Presbyterians they have claimed a certain chair in the living room and sit there every week.)

My visit yesterday to a friend dying of cancer allowed me to listen.  She is not in any pain, a true blessing, just very tired and we had such a nice conversation.  The visit was a bit difficult for me as I was reminded of sitting beside my husband at the same point in his cancer journey.  Her faith and family were upmost in her mind and she shared her love of both.

This was not the time to discuss politics, world wars or Global warming, this was the time to listen to a very wise lady who is a good friend.

Max Lucado pointed out in the bible study, that Jesus was never rude.  I try to follow His example but there is something in me that insists I get my licks in too, but I am learning.  I am being taught by another friend who has the amazing capacity to not only listen but to be truly interested and we have often shared a tear or two.  Sincere compassion is a gift from God.

I still can’t believe I was arguing with the radio, in my sleep.  Maybe I haven’t learned as much as I thought I had.