Wingless Angels

Today I hit bottom…my sciatica was killing me and I was despairing if I would ever be out of pain…so I prayed.  I prayed real hard and asked God for mercy.

My heart was pounding and I was queasy so I phoned a good friend to please come by for a bit.   I felt it was just an anxiety attack…pain can do that to you…and yes, in an hour my blood pressure was down and I was feeling less anxious.  This wingless angel has flown to my rescue before and I am thankful for her.

Later my grandson’s wife phoned from Edmonton.  As both my daughters were visiting her that day she was planning a birthday party for them. (Their birthdays are on the same day).

“What kind of cake would they like?” she asked.  “Any kind” I replied and thanked God for this wonderful addition to our family.  Here was someone who I knew would care for and love my girls as they grew older.  It sounds ridiculous but I will always feel responsible for some of their health and happiness until the day I die.  The Lord is well aware of this and sent this special angel into our family.

I have a friend who insists she places her problems in God’s care and doesn’t worry about them.  I try, but like the persistent widow in scripture, I keep asking God for help.

I write this as I sit in my physiotherapist’s office…waiting for some relief from my pain and a friend wanders in.  She had an accident while on holidays and is taking treatment.  She is on my list of wingless angels and has been a source of strength these last few years.  Now it is my turn to offer strength and comfort.  Christian friends are such a gift from God.

I once wrote a story about a rusty angel who cried about everything…good and bad.  When my friend leaves I realize there are tears in my eyes.  I love this old friend and hate to see her in pain.

I find I have become this imaginary rusty angel…crying in sadness, crying in joy.  I hope I can reflect the love that I have experienced from so many angels.  They may not have wings but their hearts are full of love.