I Love a Mystery

Now there is a title that should bring a multitude of memories to most of our seniors.

At 8:00 p.m. the streets would clear, the baseball and bat gathered up and the kids headed home to their favorite radio program “I love a mystery.”  Wow, I get all tingly thinking about it.

I’m a mystery enthusiast…probably because I love research and stories of real people and their experiences.  I’ve even a couple of outlines for mystery stories I will write one day. (But don’t hold your breath.)

I am no sleuth though and I doubt if I could find my way out of a paper bag but I do pick up readily on body language and verbal innuendo. My sensitivity is both a blessing and a curse.  Sometimes I can help others (when I feel an awareness of their needs) but I am overly sensitive to a mean look or an inconsiderate word.

T. Davis Bunn, a Christian mystery writer mentioned the “possibility of perfection” in a recent novel.  Of course it is unobtainable but it’s a goal to strive for.  The opposite of course is apathy…being neither hot nor cold is not an attribute that has merit.  Scripture tells us so in Rev.3: 15 &16.

I attempt and fail at many things…painting, crocheting and cooking, to mention just a few.  But I did try.  There is always the “possibility of perfection”, (which I never seem achieve) but I admire those who meet the challenge and excel at those things.

My young daughter’s attempts at becoming a violin virtuoso were futile but we both now appreciate the beautiful sounds that are achieved by those who master that instrument. (And I truly admire the parents who lived through that first year of daily practice.)

Like nibbling at a pot luck church supper, sometimes you have to taste and see what God has chosen for you to do.  Then you can finally devote yourself to relishing the particular dish that is meant for you and you alone.  You might find there is the possibility of perfection in what you are doing. God is always there for help and direction.

I wish I could convince myself of that sometimes…but I still dream of maybe, just maybe, someday, being a writer of a really terrific mystery story.