Sunday – new beginnings

September is a month of new beginnings.   In our Churches,  Sessions,  Sunday School and Bible Study  and Prayer groups begin again.  There is a sense of newness – of new learning yet there is also the sense of satisfied continuation —  our Church is the same Church.  This is a comfort to us.   Over this past year  there have been some major changes in our Church from National Office as well as probably from your own Session.   Churches never stay the same.  Churches are the example of the constant living and love of God.  It is our God that supports,  sustains,  and nurtures us through times of change.     Our Church is called a reformed church —  we are always being reformed in thought, word, and deed.

These next few months we will be focussing on portions of scripture that have the words “Go and” in them.   This too is a sense of newness and reformed thinking.   The portions of scripture we will read about are stories of people suddenly recognizing the presence of God and then being told to “go and” do something.   Sometimes the “going” is easy,  and sometimes the “going” is not easy.  But in everything we remember the love of God that nurtures and sustains us all the days of our lives.


Sunday  1 September

The word “Go”  is a verb.  It is an action.  One of it’s  meanings is  to proceed on a journey.   As Christians,  we are on a journey with Christ to becoming mature Christians.       This day  we are to go and live each day in God’s loving presence and to share that love with those we meet along our journey.

Prayer:    Great God,  we thank You that we are on a journey with Christ to become mature Christians.   This day we praise Your name in worship and bow down before You.   We know that as we leave worship we go out into Your world and live each day in Your loving presence.   May we take Your love and share this love with those we meet along our journey.  This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.