Saturday – estate of salvation

Prayer:  Lord Christ, enable us to turn to You at every moment of our day and our night. Remind us yet again that Your Holy Spirit dwells within us, that You pray in us, that You love in us. Your miracle in us is Your love and Your constant forgiveness.   Amen.

Westminister Confession of Faith Shorter Cathechism  Question #20 “Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?’

Answer:  God having,  out of His mere good pleasure,  from all eternity, elected some to everlasting life,  did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a Redeemer.”

Read Ephesians 1: 4 -6

Romans 3: 20-24

Galatians 3: 21 – 22

All have fallen short of the glory of God.  Yet God has delivered us out of sin through the sacrifice of the Redeemer —  Jesus Christ our Lord.  No matter what we do,  no matter have far down life’s  troubles we get,  God has saved us through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.   This is salvation.

What does that mean for you as you live each day in God’s  love?    What does it mean for you to know that you are saved and redeemed through the love of God?   Does it make you greatful?  Does this greatfulness reverberate through your life so that you remember to say “thank you” to God each and every day?

This week,  think and write down three things for which you are thankful.  Lift these three things up to God in prayer each day.

Prayer:  Lord,  we give You thanks and praise for our lives.  We live in thankfulness of Your Love.  But there are those who are far from home, immigrants, exiles, victims of oppression, Lord, we pray.  For those who are going through trials, who need help and compassion, Lord, we pray. For all of us gathered each day to read and digest Your Holy Word, may we remain attentive to those entrusted to us, Lord, we pray. May we learn to share more fairly the resources of our planet among all, Lord, we pray. That a sense of wonder at the beauty of creation may remain alive in us, Lord, we pray. That we may find Your love and courage in the mystery of communion that is the Church, Lord, we pray.   Amen.