Friday, October 4, 2013 — Morning Prayer

My experience of you
is that you are faithful.
And that means a lot to me.
But I also know that life is unpredictable
and precarious at best. (And that’s okay.)
And as much as I would like to take comfort
in your promises that you will be with us always
many times I’m really just hoping for the best
under the circumstances.
And sometimes I wonder
if you are anything more than a prayer or a hope,
a promise or a piety that we run to when we need something
or when we have to soothe a pain or a problem.
Because we know that there really are no guarantees
that things will turn out well.
On the off chance that you are reading this,
I think of how you too must be praying and weeping
over what’s going on in our world right now.
I think of you as
that which is wanting to happen.
You are
that which needs to be done,
in our world and in ourselves.
For me,
you do not need to be
all knowing, all powerful or almighty.
You only need to be yourself,
an insistent invitation to reconciliation
and fullness of life.
Provoke us now
so that in your grace
our lives can become more
daring and open-hearted
at home with “I’m not sure”
and “I don’t know” and

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.