Wednesday – living with thanksgiving in God’s presence

Yellow Leaves


Prayer:  Come,  let us bow down in worship.  Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.  For You are our God and we are the people of Your pasture and the flock under Your care.  Amen.


Read  Psalm 95:2

This Psalm is often considered a psalm to be sung during the New Year.    God is Creator and LORD of the universe.   Verses 1 -7 are a hymn that the congregation sung preparing their hearts for worship—Come let us sing for joy to the LORD.    The people come with joy to worship.   How do we come to worship each Sunday?  Do we come with joy in our hearts?

Verses 7b – 8  remind the congregation that they must not harden their hearts against God as they did at Meribah.   In Numbers 20: 1 – 13 we read of the story of the hardening of hearts at Meribah.   Moses and the people were now in the desert.  The people were thirsty and began to whine and complain that they should have died in Egypt instead of wandering around in the desert.  Aaron and Moses went into the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown to worship God.  God told Moses and Aaron to gather the people around then rock.  Then Moses was  to take his staff and hit the rock once and water would come out of the rock.  Moses does almost as God says but the whining and complaining of the people ticked him off so greatly that he whacked the rock twice.  Then God said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honour me as  Holy in the sight of the Israelites,  you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”  (Numbers 20: 12  NIV  Zondervan, 1983).

Do we harden our hearts today instead of living with thanksgiving in God’s presence?  Today, think and meditate how our Churches can live with thanksgiving in each community so that each community knows that the Church loves God with all joy in believing.

The three things I am thankful for today are:


Prayer:  Today if we hear Your voice O God,  we will answer with joy and delight.  We will raise our hearts in praise and our voices in song.  We thank You for this day and for the experiences we will have in this day.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.