Sunday, October 20, 2013 — Morning Meditation

Entrance Meditation: The Mirror of the Water

I remember the saying
Of the old wise man, Lao Tse:
“Muddy water,
Let stand
Becomes clear.”

Thinking of that,
I look within myself.
I see,
A stream of water,
It is full of things.

Now the movement stops.
The water is in one place.
It is heavy colored,
But it is becoming quiet,
The water is at rest
In its stillness
The muddiness
Is settling to the bottom.

At the surface it becomes clear,
I can see into the water
More and more.
Now I can see through
To the very depth of it.

The heavens are reflected
In the quiet water.
It is clear.
I see the reflection of a tree
In the quiet water.
The muddy water
Has become clear.

—Ira Progoff

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.