Happy Birthday, Pat

I have been crying.  I cry so easily since Harry died.

But today my tears are justified.  A very dear friend has died.  I don’t cry for my friend…he’s with the Lord, but I cry for his wife who doesn’t at this moment realize how lonely her life will be from now on.

They were such a happy couple.  I threw them a surprise 50th Anniversary party a few years ago.  Everyone gathered at my house and then we walked across the back yard to their condo deck and banged on pots and pans.

They were so surprised and delighted.  I hope it will be a memory that will bring comfort and last forever.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I am wondering how many more widows I will comfort before my work here is done.

But there were tears of joy today too.

My email box tells me to check my grandson’s Facebook.  And there is a video of my youngest great granddaughter taking her first steps.  Now, you can’t beat that for touching your heart-strings.

I recall the saying “some leave and some arrive” and I think of this beautiful little child that arrived this year and my dear old friend who has left us this year.

My dining room table is covered with birthday cards and flowers from my bible study group. They were all prepared for a birthday celebration today and were so understanding when I said I just couldn’t do a bible study…that we would watch a movie instead.  The man who passed away had actually been part of our group…both him and Harry had been our token men.  Now Harry is gone and so is he.

This evening I had trouble with my TV.  We have a love/hate relationship and finally I just turned it off and decided it was time to let God take care of things.  So I sit and write and share my world with my readers.

Today has been a bit of a roller-coaster.  I believe God will give me the grace to comfort this new widow…and tomorrow, hopefully the TV will behave and I will thank Him again for another year of His presence in these special senior years.