Possessed by Demons?

I am blessed by having a friend who does not always agree with me.  It is a both a challenge and a delight to discuss different aspects of the Bible.  She tends to lean a little more towards the “fundamentalist” type of thinking where I hold pretty close to the “Presbyterian” viewpoint.

Yesterday, we were discussing medical problems.   We are near professionals on the subject because as Seniors, we have managed to survive many of things that ail the general public.  She is a strong believer in proper foods and has a practical remedy for most of whatever ails you.  And you know, sometimes they actually work.

She had been reading a book about demon possession.  I tend to think of the subject in more modern terms.  I am sure there is such a thing, but she was quoting me a whole bunch of scripture and finally I resolved the issue by reminding her that the terminology we use today was not available way back in the Bible.  Of course someone with schizophrenia would seem demon possessed as would someone with manic depression.  But in today’s world we would probably not called them “demon possessed”.

I think I convinced her but no doubt she will have another challenge for me tomorrow. She has an advantage as she can quote chapter and verse of the Bible and I sort of wander around with a concept I am sure I have read.  She does keep me honest and those searches for facts, keeps me running between “Google” and my Bible.

She is a great believer in prayer.  I guess the conversations I have all day with God could be called “prayer”…I certainly have a meditation and prayer time, but mostly my day is filled with cries for help or understanding or just grateful thanks for abundant blessings.

Recently when I cried over the loss of a friend, she comforted me with a prayer. Her prayer started with thanks to God for the life of the person.  I was so busy grieving I forgot to “in all things give thanks”.  It is good to share your prayers with friends, their approach can be a learning experience.

She has outguessed me so many times.  Once, during a drought, she said she would pray for rain and my computer said there was no chance of rain.  The next morning the ground was soaking wet. I can be taught a few lessons in faith too.

Recently an old friend had been suffering with neck and shoulder pain, much like I had.  One afternoon I talked to the Lord about it and said prayerfully, “I don’t think I can handle this pain much longer Lord.”  Almost immediately my phone rang and there was my friend saying “I got help for my pain yesterday and I think we should take you to Emergency.”  Even before I had the problem, God had placed in my path a friend who would reach out with tender care and help me.  And yes, I got some medication and we are both doing well.