Tuesday, October 29, 2013 — Morning Prayer

Cleanser of Souls, who washes away our hurts and messiness,
In the mystery of this morning, awaken us to the reality of your ways. Move into the corners of our hearts and minds to show us what is hidden. Clarify our focus so that we are no longer consumed with unnecessary matters. Hold us under the deluge of your Presence pouring out around us, soaking us till we are drenched in love. Amen.

The late Brennan Manning wrote in The Ragamuffin Gospel about how easy it is to see the power of God’s glory at work in creation and yet how difficult it is to accept God’s love, in his words, “we grow skittish and squeamish before God’s love.”

Do it today, open yourself to the Love that is present. It takes time to build a loving relationship with anyone, don’t keep God at a distance, spend time with God and perhaps find the Love that makes the difference.