Cowboys, Confessions and Incarceration

The world is changing quickly. But so is confession. If you are or know a good-quality Catholic who has some unforgiven sin guilting his or her conscience—oh boy, have I got an app for you! It’s called Confession: A Roman Catholic App and it is exactly what it sounds like. You download it for just $2.00 and then you confess to the priest on the other end. When it was originally created, Bishop Kevin Rhodes greatly approved of it. Later on, however, Pope Benedict commented, saying it could never replace confession before a priest in person. But wait, there’s still hope. Many reports are now saying that the newly elected Pope Francis might just come out in favour of such a thing. So it was in, it was out, and now it might just be in again. The world sure is changing quickly and maybe those Catholic friends of yours have just found a good way to spend that toonie hiding in the couch.
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Pastor imprisoned in Iran

It has been a very tough journey for Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American citizen in prison in Iran for proselytizing. Over one year ago, on his ninth trip back to his homeland, while building an orphanage in Rasht, Saeed was detained and officially charged with “compromising national security.” He was sentenced to eight years in prison, and some fear he may face the death penalty. As one might expect, his wife, Naghmeh Abedini would rather not have that happen. And she’s been getting a lot of publicity. She even got the attention of the president of the United States. And she spoke at the United Nations in Geneva where the strangest thing took place. She actually bumped into the new president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, in the hallway and asked an aid to hand him a letter written by her husband. For a year she’d been trying to get in contact with anyone who might listen and, as it turns out, the president himself was staying on her floor. What happens next? Who knows.

A real-deal cowboy church
When I lived in Edmonton and used to work for the Moravian Church, I was aware of a church that held a “cowboy” service. Here in Regina where I currently live, I know of a service that has a bluegrass band and I know of a very good sized “country service.” And I like that (not that I like ‘country mind’ but I do like diversity). But that’s not quite what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the Cowboy Church of Santa Fe County, New Mexico, because it’s the real deal. There’s a chuck wagon in the parking lot, saddles in the sanctuary, pastors wearing Wranglers, and oh yeah, after the service, instead of just coffee they have barrel jumping in their church/rodeo barn. Got little ‘uns? No problem, because they’ll strap a helmet on those suckers and teach ‘em how to ride a sheep.
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