Tuesday, November 5, 2013 — Morning Reflection

One of the ways that I most closely see God, feel God and hear God is through the created, the creative and the creators in my life. In other words, artists. Artists of all types and all medium. I am reminded of how God is the source of all that is and am in constant awe of what we as human beings are capable of when co-creating with God. Art is quite often my mode of praying.

So, each morning and evening, I will share one of these artists or creators with you, and hope that you will be in-spired (infused with the Holy Spirit).
My first offering of prayer is from a dancer I know and met back in December 2007. A sweet young, Jewish boy came to the 11 pm Christmas Eve service at my small church and danced. I have been his fan ever since. Whenever I see someone dance professionally, I am purely in awe of the strength and beauty in the human body. (as a sidebar, Scott just joined the Grand Rapids Ballet Company and has had hip surgery, so please join me in praying for his swift and complete recovery!)

And after all, David danced!

About Gail Doering

Gail Doering grew up in Kansas, moved to California at age 20, married twice, had two children in the second marriage, and had a high tech career in Silicon Valley. And then … “God came a-knockin’ with such a force that She could not be ignored.” She graduated from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 2001 at age 42. Since then she has served with four churches, all of them in the Bay Area. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.