Tuesday, November 12, 2013—Morning Reflection

I leave you something for the future. This week, the Reverend Dr. Mark Labberton was inaugurated as the President of Fuller Theological Seminary. At his inauguration event, they premiered a film by Lauralee Farrer, entitled ‘Praying the Hours.’ Lauralee is also on the staff for the Brehm Center at Fuller, which is dedicated to exploring the integration of theology, worship and the arts. I am captivated by the trailer of her film and the fact that it is based on the Divine Hours, or fixed hour prayer. I offer this to you as a final artistic installment of prayer. It has been a privilege to contribute to this awesome church!


About Gail Doering

Gail Doering grew up in Kansas, moved to California at age 20, married twice, had two children in the second marriage, and had a high tech career in Silicon Valley. And then … “God came a-knockin’ with such a force that She could not be ignored.” She graduated from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 2001 at age 42. Since then she has served with four churches, all of them in the Bay Area. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.