Saturday, November 16, 2013 — Morning Prayer

I love walking my dog first thing in the quiet darkness of the morning. I often think of psalms as I take in the morning sky. Psalm 147 is one of my favorites. I love the image of God who can scatter frost, call stars by name, and sends rain and snow, and delights in his creatures who worship and trust in God’s steadfast love.

Please pray it this morning, using this version from Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal. Words by John L. Bell, tune GLENDON.

Refrain: Sing to God, with joy and gladness, hymns and psalms of gratitude;
with the voice of praise discover that to worship God is good.

God unites the scattered people, gathers those who wandered far;
Heals the hurt and broken spirits, tending every wounded scar. R

Such is God’s great power and wisdom, non can calculate or tell;
Keen is God to ground the wicked and with humble folk to dwell. R

God with clouds the sky has curtained, thus ensuring rain shall fall;
Earth, responding, grows to order food for creatures great and small.

God’s discernment never favors strength or speed to lift or move;
God delights in those who worship, trusting in God’s steadfast love.

About Sarah Flynn Erickson

Rev. Dr. Sarah Flynn Erickson serves as the director of Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. She is a member of the Presbytery of South Alabama where she serves on the Committee for Preparation for Ministry. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.