Forbes, Grande Prairie, Alta.

Joyce Yanishewski was ordained at Forbes in August. Pictured with her hands on Joyce’s shoulders is Barbara Pilozow, minister at St. James, Dawson Creek, B.C. George S. Malcolm, minister at Forbes, stands in the background.

Born to Serve the Lord
By Patricia Schneider

When I asked a close friend if she knew Joyce Yanishewski, she shared, “The family lived right across the street from me in Spirit River, I used to watch her and her sister dancing around in the living room, having so much fun.” Even then music was a part of this girl’s makeup.

But the story does not end there, for this summer on August 24, 2013 that same little girl that danced in her living room and who had shared her love of music with all those in the Peace River Country of Alberta, returned to Grande Prairie and celebrated her ordination at Forbes Presbyterian.

Although Joyce’s membership sat with Knox Presbyterian in Wanham, she was no stranger to Forbes Presbyterian in Grande Prairie and was married there to Ken Yanishewski in 1982.

Joyce’s parents, John and Ann van Polen had no idea that their small daughter, taken to church each Sunday, would choose a religious life but it seemed ordained. God had put his hand on this child and was already leading her along a path dedicated to the Christian calling.

In 1989 she became a member of the Presbyterian Church and in 1996 became an elder at Knox Presbyterian in Wanham, Alta.

Her gifts were many and included a musical talent which she shared in special ways. She was a part of a group called, “The Prairie Winds” which entertained throughout the Peace River Country. The music was mesmerizing …such joy, such spirit…it lifted the heart.

She had great organizations skills, too, that others recognized and she lived them out in her congregation, and in the presbytery and synod, often taking on responsible positions.

Several years in Northern Alberta were spent as a music instructor.  She set up her own music studio to give private and group lessons.  She was particularly involved in music for the young, in which often the parents were included.  With her husband and three children to care for her life was full. Eventually the children left home and began their adult lives. As they grew, so did her commitment to the Lord. She took very seriously her role as elder and felt that that was where her calling lay.

But it was an unexpected and awesome Holy Spirit experience in her life in October 2008, that finally moved her to make a decision.  Prayerfully she had asked for guidance and in that instance, the Lord acted.  What happened came out of nowhere but she describes the experience as being filled with the Holy Spirit, both physically and emotionally.  It was not an invitation she could decline…she had asked for help and the Lord had reached out and touched her very soul. He had called her to the order of ministry. Joyce said she felt that God had presented her with a very precious gift.

When her husband, Ken, arrived home a half hour later she said “Come here please Ken, I have to talk to you.  Something has just happened that will change our whole lives.” And it did!

Of course this call set in motion an enormous upheaval.  Ken, was exceedingly supportive and decision upon decision had to be made for the future.  The list was endless…moving from Alberta to Ontario, settling house problems in both locations, beginning her studies at Knox College, Toronto, finding some work for Ken. Finally in the fall of 2010 her and Ken moved across country and Joyce joined other men and women who had taken on a similar commitment.

Communication is no problem in today’s world and although Joyce and Ken were far removed from their home and church, they were in constant touch with their family and friends via emails, phone and prayer.

The two years passed quickly and Joyce’s convocation took place in May of 2013 with her graduating from Knox College with a Master of Divinity degree and a Diploma in Theology.

It was the privilege of Forbes Presbyterian Church, Grande Prairie, (which had recently merged with her own Knox Presbyterian Church in Wanham), to hold the service of ordination. There amongst friends and family and in the presence of God, she became Rev. Joyce Yanishewski. It was a proud moment for all of us who claimed Joyce as our own.  There were a lot of smiles in the congregation and a good many happy tears.

One noteworthy thing was that this was the first time that someone who had been raised in the Peace River Country, had been ordained here.

If you have never attended a service of ordination you have missed one of the highlights of the Christian Church.  It is both a history lesson and a celebration.  Here the past meets with the present as we see reaffirmed what the fathers and mothers of our faith believed and what we strive for today.  Here is corporate and personal faith revealed and reaffirmed. It was awesome!

In July Joyce received a call from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Thunder Bay, Ont., where she will serve her new church family. We wish her God’s blessing in this new adventure in her faith journey.