Friday, December 6, 2013 — Morning Reflection

The second theme of Advent is peace. True peace that is not the absence of conflict and war but rather a reign of justice and love. In this season, we remember that charity is not justice. We remember that we are called to address systemic issues that allow the poor, the meek and the outcast to be exploited. But we also remain confident that the day will come when all are at peace. Thanks be to God.

God of Justice and Peace: Please help us to be agents of peace to our broken world. Help us to bind up the wounds of our neighbors. Help us to minister to the hungry, the thirsty, the cold, the stranger, the sick and the imprisoned . For Christ’s sake, so be it.

About Gord Brown

Gord Brown graduated from Knox College, Toronto, last spring. Before his return to school, he worked as a writer/editor/publisher, a public affairs consultant and a human resources consultant. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.