January 2, 2014 — Rest

One of the purposes of night time is to provide rest. For most of us, this is a time when we can recover from the busy-ness of the day. The Iona community understands this, and provides itself as a place of rest for those who need it. Even though it was founded in 1938, it has moved with the times, as may be seen in this prayer, written by Chris Polhill.

Prayer for Recharging the Mobile
As I recharge my mobile battery
may God recharge my soul:
the current of God’s love
flowing through me
healing, restoring, renewing. . .

As the ions return to their source,
I to Jesus return.
Plug me into your kingdom,
your way for life –
loving, forgiving, truthful.

As I sit waiting by my mobile
connect my life to you.
God’s Spirit in my thoughts.
Help me listen
to your love, your prompting,
deep within.

As the night moves over you, let the light of Christ shine on you. Let God’s love fill you. May you wake in the morning, fully recharged.

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister at St. Andrew's, Quebec City, Que. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.