Joy For All Ages

My granddaughter writes me the following:

Little Toby walks into the living room with a glass of milk.

Mom:…Where did you get that?

Toby:…I went into the frig and got it all by myself.

Mom:…Did you make a mess?

Toby:…Yes, but I cleaned it up. It’s still slippery.


Toby:…Mom big boys go into the frig and get milk

All by myself.  That’s what big boys do.

The above scenario speaks to me of the stages of growth in all our lives and the patience of God as he moulds us into the individuals we are to become.

I believe it is a never ending process.  He loves us so much that he refuses to let us sit and become stagnant.

There have been times lately when I have said “Enough Lord”…as I fight with car problems, or health problems, or condo problems. But obviously the Lord figures I can continue as here I am.  I guess his plans for me are not finished.

Today our Bible study was about love and about joy.  Joy is often just of the moment.  I recall a visit I took to my old schoolhouse a few years back and how I slid down the Slide…Wow! Now that was a moment of joy………

Joy, elusive, non descriptive
Found unexpectedly
Seldom anticipated
But there for a moment, then gone
Tearing your eyes,
Then disappearing
Leaving only a memory.

When I think of Toby getting his first glass of milk out of the frig, I can understand his joy at being a “Big Boy”…When I think of the first time I sat at a computer and what I tried actually worked! Now that was sheer joy.  And of course, there are hundreds of other moments. God never forsakes us…tries and tests us yes, but only as far as we are able.

And just sometimes, he give us those moments of joy when everything works out right and you say a “thank you Lord” and mark that day as a special one in your life.