Wednesday, January 8, 2014 — Examen

This week, as we pray together the beginning words of the Gospel of John, I invite us to close the day by looking back over the day and noticing our experience of the Holy through the prayer of examen. In the prayer of examen, we review the day to notice where we felt our movement toward or away from God. We review the events of the day and the way we experienced the day, asking two questions: (1) a question that asks where we experienced the day positively, and (2) a question that asks where we experienced the day negatively.

To begin, settle in for some time in silence. Think back over the day – through the events – the people – the words – the silences – any moments of epiphany.

As you look back over your day:

Where did you feel nearest to the Word? To the Holy?

Where did you feel distant?

Where did you experience the Word made known in the world and people around you?

And as your prayer is coming to a close, let us give thanks for all the moments of the day:

Holy One – Holy Word – Spirit made known in the enfleshed life of the world – we give you thanks. We give you thanks for your presence in the midst of us – for your life-giving power, which has enlivened us this day. We give you thanks for love, animo!/courage, compassion, discovery, patience, belief, peaceful coexistence, inspiration, and grace. In the days to come, may we embody your Word in us, for the blessing of the world you love.

And now, as the light fades and night falls, may you bless us and your whole world with peace and a holy rest. Amen.

About Scott Clark

Scott Clark is associate dean of student life and chaplain at San Francisco Theological Seminary. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.