Saturday – Clean up Day – Quilting Style

Wind over Prairies Wind Over Prairies quilt.    Took two years to complete the quilt top.  The  blocks were hand quilted.    For a non-profit organization’s  quilt fundraiser.








Liz's  Wedding RingLiz’s  Wedding Star  Quilt     Pattern by Judy Niemeyer    Took eleven years just to create the quilt top.   Quilt is for my sister.

Sewing and creating quilts  is  the same as process as   preparing our hearts and minds and souls  for  Sunday Worship.  It takes time (finding the right fabric and having the money to purchase the fabric).  It takes patience (lots of ripping out of seams where blocks did not go together correctly).  Frequently there is a lot of  asking for forgiveness (when quilt projects become  decade projects).   Yet when the quilt is finally completed,  there is a sense of  “Wow!  It is finished.”  (gratitude).   And the  joy of giving the quilt to it’s  new owner.  Then there is the statement of   “Now,  where is the next quilt pattern!”.     So too with Sunday worship.  We don’t just attend Sunday worship and our worship stops when we sing the final dismissal hymn.  We continue through the whole week through prayer,  meditation,  reading of scripture,  gratitude,  and forgiveness.

Prayer:  Prepare our hearts and souls and minds this day O LORD so that we come to You rejoicing in worship.  Prepare our ears so that we hear Your Word at Church tomorrow.  Prepare our eyes so that we can see Your glory at Church tomorrow.  Prepare our  hands so that we can carry out the work You would have us do.  Prepare our  souls  so that we are centred in Your love and  forgiveness.   This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.