Friday – serving God by helping others

Prayer:  May the love of Jesus draw us to himself.  May the power of Jesus strengthen us in his service.   May the joy of Jesus fill my soul.         In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

Read James 2: 12-13

This reading continues on with James’ advice to not discriminate against the poor, the afflicted, and the persecuted.   Help them.  Be kind.  Two simple verses with a lot of responsibility behind them.    Traditionally, the responsibility of helping the widows, the young, and the poor have been part of who we are as Christians. In the Acts of the Apostles,  the young Christian community took this responsibility very seriously and even appointed Deacons to look after the needs of those who were afflicted  And so James continues to remind us of our duty.  We need to help others with a Godly attitude.  We have to be kind and show mercy.

Prayer:  May the blessing of God Almighty, Jesus Christ our Saviour, and the Holy Spirit be with me this day and remain with me forever.  Amen.