Support for Refugees

In early December, Rev. Dr. David Sutherland and 46 other prominent Canadians, including leaders of the United, Anglican and Lutheran churches, signed a statement in support of refugees.

“At a time when serious human rights abuses are taking place in every region of the world and displacing millions of people, countries are building administrative walls, closing doors, denying protection,” reads the statement, which was prepared for Human Rights Day on Dec. 10, 2013.

It was released by Citizens for Public Justice, an Ottawa-based ecumenical organization, and called on Canadians and the federal government to better support refugees and make Canada a more welcoming country for those fleeing persecution.

“Our treatment of refugees is a large part of how we, as Canadians, share our wealth and strength with the Global South and those places where human rights are not valued as they are here,” the moderator of the 139th General Assembly wrote to the Record.

The Presbyterian Church is a refugee sponsorship agreement holder and Presbyterian World Service and Development works with a number of refugee advocate groups including the Canadian Council for Refugees.