Clothes and Clutter

I wonder at times if when folks see me, they recognize me by my clothes rather than by my face.

I am not exactly a hoarder but I just hate to give up something that I think still has a lot of wear left in it.  Recently I stained a pair of sweats I had and found myself embroidering small flowers over the stain…now nobody knows but me and you.

I guess a lot of this has to do with the age I was raised in…the war years and all those other years when life was a bit tough.  But no one wants to hear those stories again.

But one thing we did and I still do is dress for church.  My social life has changed with the death of my husband, but I still like to put on something special for the Lord.

I notice this is not a priority for many of the 30, 40 or 50 year olds in the church but I would dress up if I was going to meet the Queen and each Sunday I hope to meet Jesus there.

Of course summer attire is a bit more relaxed and although I am not into wearing shorts some of the younger congregation are…I guess it really doesn’t matter.

I was surprised then to find in Genesis 35:2, God spoke to Jacob and said “Rid yourselves of the alien God in your midst, purify yourself and change your clothes.” It was an  “ah-ha” moment.

Clean clothes are fine but we are asked to clean up our minds too and have them ready for God’s inputting.  That might be a bit more of a challenge than finding shoes to match your outfit.

But for me it really is time to clean out those things from the past.  Actually some of the things I saved from long ago are back in style again.  But the body and face I am packing around now no longer match the clothes.

And I hope the mind and heart I have has also changed…grown stronger in understanding, compassion and faith and maybe those new clothes that God will eventually put on me will fit me just right.