Saturday, February 1, 2014 — Some of Us

Some of us pray by being with nature
singing praise with trees and forests
sunrises and sunsets.

Some of us think of you as a person
So we talk to you like we would with a dear friend

Some of us think of you as all-powerful and all-knowing
And so we call on you to fix our problems
And to get us out of difficult situations
Some of them of our own making.

And so we pray, in adoration and confession
In thanksgiving and supplication.

And some of us now and again question
Where have all our prayers gone?

In this luminous darkness
From where I pray tonight
Together with the mystery
of that which dies and rises and comes again.

No longer willing to pray anything
Just because church or bible tells me so.

I fall into what appears like a deep well
And sometimes I feel like I am being held
And at other times I just learn how to fall.

And then there are
those rare moments like now
when I am able to return your gaze
and look at my reality in the eye
and have this felt sense in my body
that my life is being prayed through
and it is not just me talking to myself.

And that in this world that you so love
Everything is evolving, including you
On earth as it is in heaven
everything is dancing
Now and forever more.

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.