Thanks from the AMS

Re Coming Together, December 2013

I just read Amy MacLachlan’s AMS story—I ended up with tears running down my cheeks! You really caught the true essence of our society and you wrote so well about what took place, what with the “visiting” and family we have and how much it means to us all. Thank you so much for this. 

It was also so very cool how Andy den Otter put his book review into such a wonderful historical story of our roots and connections. It’s excellent that this is beside your article as it all gives a really good picture of what the Atlantic Mission Society is about and how we came into being.
Jennifer Whitfield, St. John’s

Thank you so much for the Record article! It was good to “see ourselves as others see us” and very gratifying that you captured the spirit of AMS so well.
Joan Cho, Saint John, N.b.

I just read the article on the AMS Annual Meeting. It was very interesting to read the perspective of someone outside the group and it was heartwarming indeed to read your “take” on the gathering. Thank you so much for sharing the highlights of the weekend in a very meaningful way and for portraying the work and purpose of the AMS in a very positive manner.

A job well done!
Nancy Harvey, Summerside, P.E.I.