Saturday – prayers and community

Reflecting upon the readings in James and reading portions of Jean Vanier’s  book  “Community and Growth” last night made me aware of  community.  Vanier  truly understands the whole concept of a living,  healthy, growing  community.     As a  Christian community,  we can not remain stagnant.    In order to keep our Christian community healthy and living and whole,  we must do more than show up to Church on Sunday.     Vanier states that we must pray,  we must  serve,  we must  remember that we are called by God  to be responsible for one another.  This is the beginning of community.


As  some of our Churches are shrinking in numbers and enthusiasm,  we must focus our thoughts and joy on living together in God’s community and sustaining this  Christian community  through prayer,  serving,  and  responsible nurturing.


Great God  as we come to this day of preparation for Your Holy Day of worship tomorrow,  may we remember to nurture Your community.  Help us this day O LORD  to come to You in prayer.   Help us this day O LORD to serve You with great joy.  Help us this day O LORD to be responsible for nurturing Your kingdom here on earth.     Please help us to sweep away all times of impatience,  struggle,  and  frustration so that we can focus on hearing Your words for our hearts and community.  Thank You O LORD.    This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.